Mini Of The Week - Can You Paint It Without Singing Along?

Mini Of The Week - Can You Paint It Without Singing Along?

Miniature Painting - It is mini of the week time and I want to show you the Reaper Miniatures Zombie Shark (44112), I hope you have all got that song starting to come alive in your mind at the moment because I, at least, cannot say Zombie Shark without slightly singing it to the tune of Baby Shark, holding onto the miniatures tail and 'swimming' it across in front of you is also an absolute must 😂.  All that aside the Zombie Shark is a wonderful miniature, full of detail with flesh falling off and holes where the Zombie Shark has started to rot as it roams the seas in its undead state.

Reaper Miniatures Zombie Shark For Tabletop Gaming

It is also great to paint, I have painted a couple of Zombie Sharks myself and here is one of them

 Zombie Shark For your Tabletop Gaming Needs By Reaper Miniatures Reaper Miniatures Zombie Shark | Miniature to paint for tabletop gaming and RPG

I used my favourite combination of Green Stuff World Coagulated Blood and Citadel technical paint Nurgle's Rot to create the gore and I think this worked well. The Zombie Shark is a great miniature for your tabletop games, RPGs or just for the love of painting miniatures. 

We love seeing your painting miniatures purchased from Mighty Lancer Games and we even have a Customer Gallery on our website, take a look 

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