Collection: Warhammer 40,000 World Eaters

World Eaters – Blood for the Blood God!

The World Eaters are the berserk warriors of Khorne in Warhammer 40,000, dedicated to endless slaughter and brutal close combat. Once the proud XII Legion, they have fully succumbed to the rage of their patron god, wielding chainaxes and tearing through enemy ranks with unstoppable fury.

Lead the charge with legendary figures like Angron, Daemon Primarch of Khorne, and command waves of relentless Berzerkers as they hack and cleave their way to glory. Supported by daemon engines and possessed warriors, the World Eaters revel in pure, unrelenting carnage.

Build your army with official Games Workshop miniatures, find the perfect Citadel Paints to capture their bloodstained armour, and equip yourself with the latest Rules & Accessories to master the art of destruction.