Special Guest & Just Really Cool Stuff
I hope by now you all know that on Sunday 28th May 2023 you can meet characters from the Star Wars universe at the shop, take your photograph with them and also play Star Wars Legion and X Wing on the gaming floor, BUT we also have some Special Guests on the day including fantasy novelist Karl Forshaw who will be in store enabling you to buy your own copy of his book Renia and have it signed on the day and Goblin Skunkworks who will be on the gaming floor with their 3D scanner meaning you can have yourself mapped and a miniature gaming figure created of YOU!, you as a miniature, your head, your face, your body, how super cool is that! can you imagine a whole army of space marines with your face or your RPG character on your gaming table is actually you, or cake toppers for your wedding that are actually you and your partner, or a birthday gift for a loved one of an actual mini you.....wow, just wow.
Of course all the information you need is here https://www.mightylancergames.co.uk/collections/events/products/star-wars-day but I really think you should not miss out on the awesome opportunities that are all happening on 28th May at Mighty Lancer Games, come down and see for yourself.