Starwars Shatterpoint Painting
I painted the terrain for the Mighty Lancer Games demonstration version of Star Wars Shatterpoint as well as some of the miniatures. This is not something that I would normally paint, I tend to paint smaller miniatures and things that just take my fancy rather than large terrain pieces but I did like the way it turned out. I went into it with no real plan, I have seen the older Starwars films, the originals, but have not seen clone wars or all of the newer films so have no deep love of the movies or world, but, I had seen that the terrain seemed to be a mix of light coloured stone, maybe sandstone, and metal parts so this is what I was aiming for. Using a mix of browns and blondes I played around with the colours on the terrain until I got it to something I liked, this of course means that I cannot actually remember what colours I used for certain but Vallejo Flat Earth and Reaper Blond Highlight were involved.
The terrain needed to be assembled and painted in a quick manner so we could use it as a demonstration on our Star Wars Day in store which meant some late nights and, as always with my painting, it was done in the dark so I hope you like it, I am not sure I even know how to paint in daylight.
I also painted some of the characters because to run demos we needed characters too right, Mr MLG painted some and I did the others while he was at work. They seemed very delicate in my hands, as I am used to Reaper miniatures which tend to be a little more 'solid' , but they have very nice detail and seem to capture the character of the Star Wars world, remember I am not a huge Star Wars fan so my thoughts are based only on the mini rather than its connection to the movie.