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Arctic Basing Sets - Green Stuff World

Arctic Basing Sets - Green Stuff World

Regular price £43.69
RRP Price £43.69
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Arctic Basing Sets by Green Stuff World. This box contains a selection of materials and paint enabling you to create snowy, frozen terrains with winter animals, icicles and vegetation helping you to customise your scale model, diorama and hobby projects great for beginners and advanced hobbyists alike. 

Tuft Glue 60ml
Snow Texture - SNOW 30ml
REALISTIC Snow Modeling 200ml
Transparent Crackle Paint - WINTERFELL PLAINS
Organic GLASS Sheet
Splash Gel - Water Effect
Liquid Frost - Frost Effect
Varnish Gloss - Gloss Varnish 17ml
Dipping ink paint 60 ml - BLUE GLACIER DIP
Resin pieces: plants, melted elements
Resin parts: transparent stalactites and ice plates

Find more from the Green Stuff World range HERE 

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