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Holographic Paint - GSW

Holographic Paint - GSW

Regular price £3.75
RRP Price £3.75
Sold out

Holographic Paint -  GSW

Valid only for airbrush.

Holographic Paint


Thank you for your purchase of Green Stuff World paint. The nozzles of the paint Could come without drilling to protect the paint, please check the nozzles and drill them on the first use. Please do not squeeze the paint if you feel resistance, this is highly likely to result in the paint lid dislodging and the paint spilling. 

An alcohol-based paint with microparticles which catch light reflections of various wave lengths, creating a bright rainbow effect with an impressive multi-coloured iridescent and metallic finish.

For use, choose any gloss colour for the basecoat. The finish will change depending on the amount of layers applied, the more layers the more intense the metallic finish will be, but too many layers may diminish the holographic effect. The microparticles on the surface will reflect the rainbow effect when exposed to any light source. Gloss varnish will increase the effect, whilst matt varnish will diminish it. It is not required to dilute.

Valid only for airbrush.

Contains 17ml of Holographic Paint

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