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Intensity Ink - OSL White (GSW 3506)

Intensity Ink - OSL White (GSW 3506)

Regular price £2.80
RRP Price £2.80
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OSL White is an acrylic ink perfect for giving your miniatures and accessories a glowing effect. Its matte finish promises vibrant colours, glazes, filters, and blends. You can thank Object Source Lighting (OSL) for this magical effect; where a figure is painted as if it's the source of light itself! When creating your masterpiece, keep in mind that the direction, intensity, and environment nearby will all impact the glow, and thus you should begin with thin layers and gradually build up the brightness with multiple layers and colours of fluorescent paint. With practice and experimentation, you'll soon master the art of realistic lighting effects!

This technical paint will allow you to create the illusion of light emanating from the object and can be used to simulate a variety of light sources, such as torches, magical spells, or glowing energy fields.

Contents: 1 dropper bottle 17ml - Valid for brush and airbrush.

Valid for brush and airbrush.

Contains: 17 ml

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