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Rebellion Rising EDH Deck - Phyrexia All Will Be One

Rebellion Rising EDH Deck - Phyrexia All Will Be One

Regular price £34.99
RRP Price £34.99
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The Phyrexia All Will Be One Rebellion Rising Preconstructed EDH Deck weaves Red & White (Boros) mana to assemble a legion of hard-hitting token monsters to overpower your eneymies in the redzone and grind their life totals down. Utilise your commander's startegic abilities to power up your creatures and offer aditional resources from the top of your library.
This 100 card commander deck includes everything you need to start playing games of Magic! the Gathering's casual 100 card singleton format. The deck is pre built with a core theme and even includes lands so you are ready to play right out of the box.

What's Inside The MTG Corrupting Influence Commander Deck?
  • 100-card ready-to-play Phyrexia: All Will Be One Commander Deck
  • 2-card Collector Booster Sample Pack
  • Deck includes 2 traditional foils + 98 nonfoil cards
  • 1 foil-etched Display Commander
  • Accessories—10 double-sided tokens + life tracker and deck box
  • Introduces 10 MTG cards not found in the main set
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