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Orruk Warclans Bossrokk Tower

Orruk Warclans Bossrokk Tower

Regular price £34.00
RRP £40.00 Price £34.00
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While the Orruk Warclans revel in the destruction of civilization, they understand the value of a solid structure when it serves their purposes. Enter the Bossrokk Tower and Skaregob Totem, iconic constructs built by the Ironjawz and Kruleboyz to amplify the raw energy of the Waaagh! and empower the warbosses who ascend them.

Two Mighty Structures, One Set
This versatile kit lets you build either:

  • Bossrokk Tower: A brutal Ironjawz edifice, forged to channel Waaagh! energy and turn the battlefield into a screaming symphony of destruction.
  • Skaregob Totem: A sinister Kruleboyz creation, imbued with sneaky, swampy Waaagh! power to amplify cunning tactics and intimidate foes.

Rule from Above
Whether it’s for yelling at underlings or directing your armies with Waaagh!-fueled might, these structures symbolize orruk ingenuity (or what passes for it) and raw destructive energy.

Elevate your Orruk Warclans and wreak havoc on the battlefield with the Bossrokk Tower or Skaregob Totem—because even the most destructive warboss needs a place to yell from!

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